Babinda - a safe and supportive school
At Babinda P-12 State School we emphasise the importance of directly teaching students the behaviours we want them to demonstrate at school. Communicating behavioural expectations is a form of universal behaviour support, a strategy directed towards all students designed to prevent problem behaviour and provide a framework for responding to unacceptable behaviour.
Our approach to the management of student behaviour is based on the following beliefs and values:
Positive teacher-student relationships, a stimulating and productive classroom environment and a learner-centered relevant curriculum are fundamental in promoting positive behaviour.
Consistent, responsible parenting, which models acceptable social behaviour, is an important influence on student behaviour.
Managing student behaviour is a joint responsibility of students, parents and staff and requires open, honest and respectful communication.
The use of a fair, consistent and responsive approach that encourages students to take responsibility for their behaviour is the most effective way to achieve long-term behaviour changes.
A range of factors needs to be considered when choosing responses to student behaviour. These include context, emotional well-being, culture, gender, race, socio-economic situation and impairment, all of which can influence the way in which students act or react to adult responses.
The social outcomes of schooling are as important as the academic outcomes in determining future success and happiness.
Bullying no way!
There is no place for bullying in Babinda P-12 State School. Research indicates that both those being bullied and those who bully are at risk for behavioural, emotional and academic problems. These outcomes are in direct contradiction to our school community’s goals and efforts for supporting all students.
At Babinda P-12 State School there is broad agreement among students, staff and parents that , whether it occurs once or several times, and whether or not the persons involved cite intimidation, revenge, or self-defence as a motive, the behaviour will be responded to as categorically unacceptable in the school.
Don’t be a bully bystander - Program
Research indicates that many problem behaviours are peer-maintained. That is, peers react to bullying in ways that may increase the likelihood of it occurring again in the future. Reactions include joining in, laughing, or simply standing and watching, rather than intervening to help the person being bullied. Whilst our school would never encourage students to place themselves at risk, our anti-bullying procedures involve teaching the entire school a set of safe and effective responses to all problem behaviour, including bullying, in such a way that those who bully are not socially reinforced for demonstrating it.
Research validated school – Wide positive behaviour support
The anti-bullying procedures at Babinda P-12 State School are an addition to our already research-validated school-wide positive behaviour support processes. This means that all students are being explicitly taught the expected school behaviours and receiving high levels of acknowledgement for doing so through our many reward programs. Through these programs we are focussed on maintaining our very high standards of behaviour and very low incidents of misbehaviour. At our school different programs of rewards and encouragement are used for every term so that we can maintain students’ enthusiasm and focus on behaving.
Our 'Golden Apple Awards' where teachers recognise and detail the positive behaviours students display during lessons and play are an example. When students display all of the correct behaviours required for learning, safety and respect they receive an award. Ten golden apples and students are then eligible for a reward trip at the end of the term.