Student welfare
From prep to year 12, personal development skills are advanced each year throughout the core curriculum and within specialized activities that the school undertakes. Across our school-wide programs children are supported to develop optimism and resilience, to identify and demonstrate the physical and emotional ways that people express their friendship, to describe people, places or situations that make them feel safe and unsafe as well as learning actions they can take to increase their personal safety and importantly students learn to develop awareness of their own emotional well-being.
Additionally, within the secondary school, students in years 9 and 10 undertake dedicated personal development subjects in Career education and Health and human relationships education.
Dedicated personal development subjects
Health and human relationships education
Comprising six key strands, this program is delivered to students in year 9 with the participation and support of our school youth health nurse. The core elements of this program which are delivered through straight-forward talk and quality research based health information are:
The aim of this subject is to help young people make a safe transition into adulthood, while laying the foundations for health promoting behaviours and attitudes.
Career education
Focussing on five important areas of job readiness, this program is delivered to students in years 9 and 10 with students in year 10 receiving 1 early QCE credit point towards senior. The study of this subject involves the following areas:
Personal career ready attributes – identifying and developing employability strength.
Career awareness – broadening student awareness of careers and the necessary attributes for employment through guest speakers and other resources.
Job ready experience – students undertake work experience placements to get a better idea of the world of work.
Career action planning – combined with senior education and training planning students undertake goal setting and pathway/ action planning to achieve their desired employment goal.
Winning the job skills – students focus on developing application Letters, resumes and learning and practicing interview etiquette and techniques.